Monday, September 21, 2009

Nostradamusings of Social Media

I'm trying harder to become a prognosticator of social media trends. I feel that having a firm grasp and/or opinion on where I think it's going will convey a stronger sense of passion for the medium during interviews. Rather than just being along for the ride, I'll be steerin' this media ship to where I think it's going. That was an homage to "Speak Like a Pirate Day", which was this past Saturday.

However, with everything being so volatile, I have a tough time really pinpointing where social media will be in say, ten years. For me, all signs point to Life-Streaming. Micro-Blogging day-to-day activities may seem mundane and/or meaningless, but if done with the right sense of style and delivery, a valuable (and interesting!) story can be constructed. And I'm a big fan of creating and/or reading cool stories.

On a side note, I think FourSquare is one of the coolest ides yet for a social media network. It's almost like a real-life video game achievement reward system, except it gets you off your couch and meeting people. And from a business perspective? Think of all the cool stuff you could do for your customers if you knew where they went the most, what they liked and perhaps who they went with? I would totally capitalize on this if I owned a business. If you haven't signed up, do it now and friend me. We'll conquer this city of Boston, we will. And maybe Providence too.

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