Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Get the title? It's a play on words. I'm going to start writing short satire pieces for the Vanguard (Bentley Newspaper) ala The Onion. So, if you're a Bentley Student, be sure to check out next Thursday's Vanguard for my new article. I already have a few ideas on what I'd like to talk about, so hopefully more will keep coming.

Next week I'll be performing at the pub night (Thursday, October 30th--and wouldn't you know, it's the same Thursday as the satire article too). This will be my first public guitar-ing experience since busking in Melbourne. I'm excited, but it's also right up against karaoke night, which I'm not sure is a good or bad thing.

I cut my finger washing dishes last night. My glass coffee pot had a little chunk missing which I didn't see, and while drying out the inside by doing that wrist twisting motion, I sliced right into my index finger. Blood started shooting out and I had to stop cleaning. Strangely enough, my roommates recently proposed buying a dishwasher for the apartment, which I see no purpose in. Was this coffee pot tampering or just a coincidence? The plot thickens.


Anonymous said...

how do you buy a dishwasher? that you don't install into the building?

Alec Biedrzycki said...

not sure, my roommates found one on eBay for $200. I told them to pay me $200 and I'll clean dishes for the rest of the year.