Saturday, November 1, 2008


I started and finished two pictures today for my MK 400 (Marketing Management) project. We're trying to market to the 55+ year-old demographic. We're calling our product the PlayStation Rejuvenation. The advertisements will run in AARP magazine, encouraging the mature audience to purchase a high-end gaming system. Of course, there will be some product modification in order to make the PS3 more user friendly (e.g. Simplified controllers, large icons to facilitate failing eyesight, etc.) Hell, we could even get Cialis or Viagra as a sponsor. Keep in mind this is a two page ad--that means you'll see the first part, want to know where the advertisement is going, flip the page and then see the second part.

Why is an old man playing a Playstation 3? This is ridiculous!

See what happens? The PlayStation 3 acts like a fountain of youth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is an pretty damn good ad Al, well done. Like the radial gradient use for the background and the old man sweater is great.