Friday, September 11, 2009

My Top Secret, Creative Pre-Interview Plan

I'm expanding my job search radius to areas outside of Boston. This weekend I travel to New York to interview at a company I've been following for awhile that does pretty much everything I want to do. It looks like a really cool place to be.

While I was always open for relocation, I really did not apply for jobs outside the Boston/Cambridge area because of commute convenience for interviews. However, now that I have several friends and relatives sprinkled throughout major cities, I can actually interview without blowing through tons of money on lodging.

In all honesty, I wouldn't mind trying to survive on my own for a little bit. If I manage to land a decent gig in New York, I would go apartment/part-time-job searching immediately after leaving the concluding interview. Of course, the part-time job is speculation, but if I need to do it to get by I will. That's not to say that I'll put any less effort into any marketing job that I can get. I'll be extremely motivated to put my all into whatever I land.

After every interview, I've learned a little bit more about what I should do at the next one. Yeah, I learn from my mistakes, but I also think of new creative things I can do before/during/after the interview. For my one on Monday, I've developed a creative plan so cool that I will not even disclose it in this blog. Seriously, it's top secret and wicked cool. So, if you're reading this and happen to be an employee at the company I am interviewing at this coming Monday at 2 p.m., I suggest you buy a pillow to protect your jaw for when it hits the ground. Well, I might be hyping it a little bit, but I think it's cool...


Anonymous said...

Good luck Monday! In case a potential employeer IS reading this blog, though, I might not advertise that you will be looking for a second, part time job. Many people think that entry level jobs in marketing are for greater than 40 hours a week by definition. Will you be dedicated enough if you are moonlighting on the side?

Al said...

Thanks for the kind wishes and advice. In regards to the part time position, I was thinking more of a weekend position-- not one during the week that could interfere with my work schedule. Regardless, I feel that I always put my best effort into what I apply myself into. Even if I am working a 40+ hour marketing job with a part-time job on the side, I'll put my best into each one. I enjoy the perceived challenge and I'm most definitely up for it.